
She Started To Contact Yoga At The Age Of 15, Used Yoga To Heal "Bulimia", And Now She Is The Most Beautiful Yoga Instructor

She was born in falkland islands and moved to england when she was 15 years old and started to practice yoga.

She was a successful model and filmmaker, but her busy work and life were too much for her to handle.


She found herself with "Bulimia" And was physically and emotionally exhausted for 8 years, so she remembered yoga and wondered why she didn't pick it up again.

Through the practice of hatha yoga, she felt that every deep breath gave her endless power and joy, and brought her strength, so kia officially started her yoga journey.


During this time, she received her ashtanga teaching certification and also studied kundalini yoga with the master of kundalini!

Yoga was my sanctuary, recalling her days, miller says: During that time, i felt that yoga was like a protective shell for me, through every meditation and breathing practice, it allowed me to face my true inner self, allowing me to take off my mask and find myself!

Kia says: She now finds it so wonderful to share her yoga practice and inspire others to live life to the fullest, full of creativity and joy!


Look at kia today. Who would have thought that the once disease-ridden kia miller would have transformed like a cicada chrysalis, and that it was yoga that made a huge difference in her body and in her life!

After teaching yoga for so long, kia miller concluded that yoga is not just a word related to external physical appearance.


It exercises your heart and sharpens your inner being. Yoga is more than asana, it is a baptism of the heart, and for me it is the warmest light inside.

When really exposed to yoga, in order to find the connection between mind and body, she majored in kundalini yoga, focusing mainly on the power that breathing and meditation bring to people.


She also founded radiant body yoga, and her work has been featured in major yoga magazines.

In the form of breath and meditation, kia miller reaped the best of herself, but today, there are still many people who mistakenly believe that yoga is only a physical practice.


In addition to asana, yoga can also be used to heal physical illnesses and mental problems through breathing and meditation.

Kia also gives a lot of advice to practitioners who want to get in touch with yoga: The reason we choose yoga is to find the unity of body and mind through yoga, asana is just one of the ways.

In addition to asana, breathing and meditation are especially important! Practicing yoga, you can't be a slave to asana!

Practicing yoga is actually a long process

Changes are not visible overnight

Only after the test of time

You can only see the change in yourself

The highest level of yoga

Is to see yourself through time

Although the years will pass by

But grace and elegance will be engraved in your bones

No matter how bright the star is

There will be a day when it will be dimmed

But the light of yoga can be passed on forever

As long as you have light in your heart

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