
Why Is It So Difficult To Run Again After a Long Period Of Time Without Running? It Turns Out It's Because Of This

Anyone who likes to run knows that if you haven't run for a long period of time, it's very difficult to run again. Although the principle of using in and out is clear to everyone, but long periods of not working out do not consume energy so fast, so why is this only true of running? And why does this happen? It turns out that it is because of these two reasons.

The first reason is because the retention rate of physical energy itself is particularly poor

In fact, not only running, but also physical events like skipping rope have a very poor retention rate. This in itself is a shortcoming in training, and no matter how much the human body is changed it is impossible to make this shortcoming disappear. Because one's fitness itself is dependent on the conversion of calories, and the conversion of calories is dependent on the secretion of hormones, and anyone who has ever been fit knows that the secretion of hormones relies on the body's constant stimulation. This means that you have to keep exercising and working out, otherwise the hormone secretion will be easily dormant, or if not, it will be particularly low.

And if it is particularly low, one's fitness will slowly decline. Because running and normal fitness is actually different, if it is normal fitness, when a certain height is reached, such as training until the whole body is muscular, it is very difficult to return to the level of just entering the gym. But if it's running sometimes it's difficult to run after just a short month of not running and then try to run again after that.

The second reason is the heart and lung capacity itself

Because sports like running are aerobic exercises that test one's patience extremely. It is also very demanding on your body's lung capacity, so it is difficult for those with poor lung capacity or a bad heart to run. And your lung capacity is generally very low if you haven't had some training.

Not only that, but another disadvantage of lung capacity is that it is easy to fall into a slumber. If you go running for a certain period of time, you are training your lung capacity to be stronger, but not running for a long period of time afterwards will cause it to slowly decline and gradually fall into a slumber. If you want to run again, you will not be able to do so unless you activate your lung capacity.

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