
The Truth: Can Leg Training Really Boost Testosterone? Let Us Tell You

Many people will say that leg strength training can boost your testosterone. And testosterone is said to boost male sexual function. What is all this about?

So first, let's understand testosterone.

What is testosterone?

The human body performs a huge number of functions every second, and whether we are lying still or moving around, there are a variety of systems within the body that are needed to carry out this function. Hormones are one of the most important elements of the body and they communicate effectively with the different systems within the body that need to work in tandem to perform various functions. In the case of men, testosterone is the most important of all hormones.

Testosterone controls the male libido, or sex drive. It also helps to build muscle strength, bone density and more. It is known as the "Male hormone" Because of its association with sex, and is produced in the testicles. Testosterone is also found in women, but in much smaller quantities.

It is a biological fact that as men age, testosterone production naturally decreases. This is why men are at orgasm when they are 18 or 19 years old. It is not uncommon for testosterone production to drop dramatically in the 30s, with the result being a lowered libido, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, and changes in behaviour and depression.

Every young man wants to make his sex life last as long as possible and also to stay healthy, so what can we do to boost testosterone levels? If you're looking for ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally then there are several ways, most of which revolve around your diet, lifestyle and exercise levels. Today we'll explore whether leg strength training will increase testosterone levels and discuss the best training methods you can do.

The relationship between leg training and testosterone.

Regarding training, let's start with this section. The fact is that most forms of exercise stimulate the production of testosterone. One of the reasons for this is that exercise helps burn fat and lose weight. Think about the way we live: There is a theory that a century ago, people lived far less automated lives than they do now and therefore they were healthier than they are today.

In the 21st century, many of us spend a lot of time sitting, whether at work or at home, and when we want to go somewhere we tend to drive. The lack of exercise in all these areas has led to many people being more overweight than ever before. In addition, our diets tend to be 'quick and easy', with little emphasis on basic natural and healthy foods, and our busy work and family lives make us lazy.

What does this have to do with testosterone and leg exercises? Quite simply, a sedentary lifestyle can make you fat. Fat cells contain enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen. In effect, these two hormones compete for space and when fat is present, oestrogen wins out, which means that testosterone production is sure to drop.

After strenuous exercise, testosterone rises briefly. The larger the muscle group you use, the more testosterone is released, and the legs cover more than 60% of the body's muscle tissue.

In addition, working larger muscle groups burns more calories than working smaller muscle groups, which means you will lose more fat, and the less fat you have, the lower your estrogen levels will be.

Which leg workout is best?

We've already looked at the relationship between leg workouts and testosterone.

A simple but effective workout includes barbell squats, leg presses, straight leg hard pulls, and seated or standing heel raises. These are all standard workouts that you can perform in the gym and you should start slowly and build a sensible training program.

It is important that the leg training movements you choose are not necessarily a combination of the ones described above. Keep training regularly (it is recommended that leg training can be done once a week) and by doing so you will not only burn fat but also reduce estrogen and therefore competition for testosterone, you will also strengthen your muscles and restore your libido and you will feel better at the same time!

What are the other benefits of leg training?

Achieve a more perfect body shape

As we've often said, legs are absolutely essential if you want to build a well-rounded, proportioned physique.

If you are afraid to train your legs and make all the excuses you want, but if you skip leg training days, then you can definitely build an "Upper body fat" Physique, which, frankly, looks absolutely ridiculous.

Sure, they may have a shredded backpack, huge biceps and a well-developed chest muscle, but without a solid leg to match, then we're sorry, you just look silly.

Have a better performance in the gym

Getting a regular leg workout 1-2 times a week will allow you to perform better in the gym.

Don't worry about the soreness that often accompanies leg exercises, it's completely natural. However, increasing your protein and testosterone levels will help you recover faster, so you will be ready for the next phase of your training challenge.

This will lead to an overall increase in whole body training levels.

Other ways to boost testosterone.

Firstly, there are drugs. Hormonal drugs like steroids can boost testosterone levels quickly, which is why many professional athletes (especially bodybuilders), are using these drugs to improve their athletic performance, but it also has very serious side effects, they can affect your body's testosterone production, and some of the effects are even irreversible, so if you want to be in natural condition and healthy then this is not a good way to go.

We ask the question: Will leg exercises increase testosterone levels? The answer is undoubtedly yes, because reducing fat in the legs and other areas stimulates the production of testosterone and lowers estrogen levels in the body.

Also this is certain to improve the quality of male sexual life, there is no doubt about that. But it is not a "Magic pill" For sexual function.

Add leg training to your training regime!

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