
Always Saying Your Pecs Aren't Thick Enough! What Should I Do If My Upper Chest Is Holding Me Back?

machine bench press
don't think of training as finishing your homework, lifting a barbell just to get the action done, even if you are given the perfect fitness plan, you won't get the ideal body shape, let alone become a better version of yourself!

The same goes for chest training, doing countless push-ups, doing countless bench presses, but the upper chest is not full, how should training be arranged in order to develop a full and good looking pectoralis major muscle? Follow along, details matter too, and brace your shirt with these!

upper incline dumbbell bench press
the upper pecs are the hardest part of the body for most pals to develop. The pectoralis major is more likely to be involved in training movements such as the flat bench press or the downward incline bench press. Many of these movements have the potential to make you stronger as most of the pectoral muscle fibers are oriented in this direction.
The pectoral muscle fibers at the head of the clavicle are much less, and the muscle fibers are also involved in the internal shoulder retraction, while we are targeting the upper pectoral muscles. Having a well-developed upper chest not only plumps up the upper body, but also has functional benefits for the body. Adequate size and strength will help with the flat bench press and barbell push-ups.

measuring your chest
warm up
the ideal goal is to get your chest fuller. Picking up the dumbbells, with muscles that are not ready for a strong chest workout, will not immediately bring the results you think it will.
Try this short warm-up workout.
-1 set* wide pitch push-ups
-1 set* medium pitch push-ups
-1 set of *downturn push-ups, 3 angles to train the pecs

#1 upper incline rope flies
this is a great move for isolating the upper pecs for power. By doing this movement with a rope instead of a dumbbell, the upper pectoral fibers are under constant tension. The dumbbells cannot achieve this constant tension as the movement curve of gravity is not taken into account.
It is also possible to do this movement after a large weighted flat barbell or dumbbell bench press, which does not cause much fatigue to the central nervous system.

upper incline rope flies
training advice.
Set the upper incline bench at around 45 degrees. Lower the rope in an "Arc" To ensure that the pectoral muscles feel a strong stretch. Vary the height of the incline bench to train the upper pecs at different angles. Hold the hands together for 1 to 2 seconds and contract and squeeze the pectoral muscles.

upper incline rope flies
#2 upper incline dumbbell bench presses
a compound movement to strengthen the upper pecs is the upward incline dumbbell bench press. A slight pause at the lowest point of the movement will recruit more upper pec muscle fibers. Use a lighter weight to allow the short pause to have an effect and the muscle contraction to be more intense.
This kinetic action trains in a high-volume way, with medium to low weights, so as to get a better training effect.

upper incline dumbbell bench press
training advice.
Hold the dumbbells in a positive grip with your arms shoulder-width apart. Exhale while pushing the dumbbell upwards - always maintain control. Take your time when lowering the deadlift. Vary the angle of the upper incline plate to train the upper pecs from different angles.

upper incline dumbbell bench press
#3 upper incline barbell bench presses
the upper incline barbell bench press is also a good compound movement for the upper pecs. The advantage of the barbell over the dumbbell is the ability to add weight to the load. The ability to add weight to the barbell allows for a more regular progression - a barbell increase of 2.5kg per side is easier to do than a dumbbell increase of 2.5kg per side.
As the barbell bench press allows for a limited range of motion with relatively less shoulder inversion than the dumbbell bench press, the need to pause at the lowest point of the movement helps to increase pectoral muscle power.

upper incline barbell bench press
this kinetic action is trained in a high volume manner with a medium training weight so as to get a better training effect.
Training advice.
Set the incline boarding to around 30 degrees with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Start the barbell directly overhead and lock the arms to secure the starting position. The barbell should be lowered slowly until it is placed in the upper pectoral position, then pause. Pectoral muscles fire to lift the barbell - lock your arms, squeeze and contract hard.

upper incline barbell bench press
# 4 upper incline hummer apparatus chest press
the upward incline hummer machine push-up allows for a complete contraction of the upper chest, as the design of the machine allows the movement to target only the upper pecs, giving this exercise a place in the upper chest workout. The upward sloping hummer chest press will also reduce the problem of irregular movements. Injuries can be avoided by simply lowering the apparatus if you are exhausted.
This can be used as a complementary exercise to the barbell or dumbbell bench press.

upper incline apparatus chest press
training advice.
Adjust the seat height to ensure that the handles are at the same level as the pecs. Tighten the shoulder blades against the backrest and lift the chest. Push the handles up forward on the exhale, keeping them contracted throughout. Slowly lower to the starting position.

upper incline hummer apparatus chest press
#5 mine rack chest press
the landmine rack chest press is helpful in lifting the upper chest in many ways. It can be done standing up, thus increasing core engagement and improving core stability and abdominal muscle strength, or it can be done as a one-handed exercise. This is not essential, but can be used as a way to improve focus on one side of the muscles.
This movement can be used as an aerobic circuit using high reps and incorporating jumping up, or it can be reduced in volume and used as a strength and muscle building movement.

mine rack chest thrusts
training advice.
Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement to prevent injury. Exhale as you push out and inhale as you return to the starting position. Contract the pectoral muscles at the highest point of the movement.

mine rack chest thrust
chest training programmed
training movement no. Of sets no. Of reps
upper incline rope flies 5 12-15
upper incline dumbbell bench press 4 8-12
upper incline barbell bench press 4 8-12
upper incline hummer chest press 4 8-12
mine rack chest press 5 8-12
don't forget that a supplement of bulking powder 30 minutes before you start your workout can bring an energy boost and keep your body focused on surpassing its potential until the very last move!

chest extension
re-plan and improve the areas you're not happy with, everyone loves chest work, get your training in order and make the ideal of full pecs a reality!

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