
A Long-Term Adherence To Fitness, Compared To The Same Age, What Changes In The Body?

Fitness, should not be a chase race with others, but a competition with yourself!

Many people find that as they grow older, the cellular metabolic rate decreases, muscle and strength will be lost year by year, physical fitness quality is not as good as before, and the body will gradually gain weight. Adhering to fitness is not only the pursuit of a good body, but also to resist aging and keep the body in a youthful state.

As we grow older, we will begin to fear the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, and fitness is a chase to freeze age. When you adhere to an hour of fitness exercise every day, the benefits to the body are varied.


So, a long-term adherence to the fitness of people, compared with people of the same age, what changes will you have?


1, the face of the change


Fitness can change a person's face value? Fitness can not change the face, but can improve the state of a person's face, so that you maintain a frozen look. The reduction of excess flesh makes your features more three-dimensional.


As the saying goes, a white cover up a hundred ugly, a fat destroy all. When you lose weight, cellular metabolism will be accelerated, the skin will be firm, elastic and less prone to sagging. After fitness, your temperament will also improve, the whole state of the person will be a radical change.


2、change of body fat and thin


Fitness can consume excess body calories, reduce body fat rate, if you can strengthen the strength training, through training to exercise muscle, then the body will also be more and more tight after slimming down, the curve will also become better looking.


People who have a waistline, buttocks body, walking on the road is a high rate of return. When you strengthen weight training, then a good body sculpture will make you more and more confident.


When you have a standard body, no excess fat, and even a little muscle, you will be able to wear more good-looking clothes, while others can only wear loose clothes because of obesity, the contrast between the two people is obvious.

3, the body metabolism level change


Strengthen fitness training people, the body metabolic level will also be higher than ordinary people, you will consume more calories every day when you exercise, the body will also maintain a high metabolic state after training, this time you are less likely to gain weight.


When the body metabolism level is high, you occasionally eat more food, but also less likely to hoard fat, have a real easy to thin body.


4, the body resistance to improve


People who adhere to the fitness, although it is said that they will also get sick, but overall resistance will also be improved. Exercise exercise helps remove cholesterol from the body, relieve high blood pressure and reduce cardiovascular disease.


While middle-aged and elderly people are sick, you are able to stand alone, save money on doctor visits and enjoy a better retirement. The difference between you and your peers will already be obvious.

5, the improvement of cardiorespiratory function


Adhere to the fitness, you can improve your cardiorespiratory function, cardiorespiratory function to maintain a young state, you are the same as having the capital of youth.


When your lung capacity, heart strength and young people as strong, your energy state will also be maintained better, maintain the physique against age, and peers to open the gap.


People who don't work out, their heart and lungs will gradually age and lose strength, and their physical state will be much worse than before. This is the difference between the physical performance of people who work out, and those who do not.


6, the improvement of personal mentality


Fitness exercise can change a person's mindset, if you used to be more grumpy, more negative emotions.


Then, adhere to the fitness can improve your mood. Exercise can sharpen a person's patience, drive away anxiety, release dopamine, have optimism, and improve your resistance to stress.


7, the improvement of personal self-discipline


It is rare to find people who can stick to fitness. They make exercise a habit of life, and people who work out will change lazy behavior. For example, long-term fitness people, will say goodbye to the vice of staying up late, refuse junk food, they have learned to regular work and rest, their own fitness meals, their own nutritionist. Fitness allows them to become more and more self-disciplined, more efficient, and more appreciated by others.


Fitness, not a comparison with others, but a competition between time and yourself.


When others can not walk, you can be fit as a fly, when others are plagued by disease, but you spend time in fitness exercise, when others are plagued by obesity, but you have a healthy physique, perfect body, enjoy a better life.


Fitness can resist aging, maintain a reverse-age look, have a life that others envy, and meet a better version of yourself. So do you want to start exercising?

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